Transformation remains an important pillar in realising our vision to be the preferred lifetime financial wellness partner, with a reputation for innovation and trustworthiness. In 2013, MMI was one of the few organisations that were benchmarked against the Financial Sector Charter (FSC) codes and we were able to maintain our level two Broad-Based Black Economic Empowerment (B-BBEE) contributor status. The table below illustrates MMI’s B-BBEE performance against FSC targets: B-BBEE element MMI FSC Performance 2013 Equity ownership 15.88 Management control 7.82 Employment equity 9.8 Skills development 7.13 Preferential procurement 12.8 Enterprise development 15 Socio-economic development 3 Empowerment financing *Exempt Access to financial services *Exempt Total score 88.19 B-BBEE rating Level 2 *Enhanced recognition due to the exemption of empowerment financing and access to financial services. 29

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